Sunday, February 17, 2008

christina aquilera and apple

1. christinaaquilera
this site very interesting especially for the navigation. we can choose which one we want to click.
we can click the picture that from her dressing room or the menu bar at the top.
for the button in dressing room have roll over effect.for forum,store and ringtones page it will open in new window, but still in the same consistency.

for news page. it tells about the latest news and also list up the previous news.
for press page it show the press article and the description.

this page is calendar page is tells about her schedule.

for music page, have track listing, order online the album and also can download the song.
for singles section it has roll over effect, the picture will move to side.
at the bottom there we also can download the real player, it will open in new window.
this is the forum page

this is the store page, here we can buy the clothes,accessories. for the navigation, when click the button the color will change become red color, to show where they are in now.

here is the mailing list page

2. apple
for apple's site, only the navigation quite interesting. have roll over effect. it will change to dark color.
for every page have a consistency about the color, in mac page, top there have a navigation that when we click the button the picture will move to side, for this page is tell about the product, accessories, the applications and the server. I think for me this site have so many sub page that can make me confuse.
in download page, we can download so many things, can download safari, i tunes, web application
and also can view the movie trailer.

for the store page, here list up all the product and also can click the picture it will show the price.

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